Friday, 30 May 2014

Party Details!


Hopefully you have tuned in to my announcement and (yes) here are the details for the party!


DATE:   07/06/14
                                     TIME:   6:30pm (BST) / 10:30am (PST)
     SERVER: Bunny Hill
    ROOM: Snow Forts

We have Sms8 and I hosting it and hopefully it will be a blast. There's no strict uniform so feel free to wear what you want. At the party, I will be discussing some news and waddling around with you guys. There will be updates on Twitter on which room I will currently be in so, hopefully, you won't lose me! 

Soon after the event, Blue Buns website will officially launch and then the Alliance will begin! There will be sign-ups and events posted on there and there will be a page, on Blue's Blog, linking to that. I hope loads of you can come to join a special event but, for now, I will see you then!



Thursday, 29 May 2014

Defeating Ultimate Protobot!

Hello guys!

Things are intense on Club Penguin since the the most dangerous villain as rise upon us. I will give you a walkthrough on how to defeat him.

First you log onto Club Penguin, as usual, and open up the holo-comm! The countdown to Protobot's Attack reoccurs every 5 minutes after you have defeated him. On this picture you can see that Protobot is here!

Once you feel ready, all you do is just blast into Space in a ROBO suit or with the Cadet Jetpack. After you enter Space, it will appear that the wave is Protobot himself so don't expect anything different! It is possible to defeat him alone but, with other penguins, it will be far easier and quicker too! 

Below is a video I took on Abominable. It was pretty packed but it gives you a range of his attacks. I apologise for the technical difficulties near the beginning! 

UPDATE: Sorry the video has not been able to show. Here's a link to it:

As you can see, at the end, you obtain 2 items, one of them being the "Protobot Helmet" and the other one being the "Protobot Costume". There is no special dance related to this costume but it is pretty cool to own if you want a souvenir!

Thank you for reading/watching this walkthrough and this should hopefully give you a taste of what it is like!



Introducing Blue Buns!

Blue Buns is a Club Penguin Alliance founded by Blue21102. This is the official release of it and it will hopefully expand into a BIG community!

Some of you may have heard of Armies in Club Penguin. They are groups that participate in war-orientated activities and sometimes advertise the details on Club Penguin. There are loads a week on particular server so it can be fun for Penguins who are adventurous. However, Blue Buns is an alliance. Blue Buns symbolises "Blue Bunnies" but it is abbreviated to make it easier.

Some of you are probably thinking "WHY?". I have chose Bunnies as our mascot since it symbolises freedom and peace instead of war! I am sure some of you have seen my dress code in my YouTube videos and, yes, I have the Bunny Ears and a mask. That hinted Blue Buns' dress code but I wonder if any of you saw this...

This was my latest YouTube video but I had hidden the logo inside it somewhere. I didn't want it to be too obvious so it might not have 100% opacity. Did you find it?
You could just about see it! I'm afraid no one guessed it but there is someone who deserves a huge amount of credit! Therefore the reward has not been forgotten!

I'd like to congratulate...


He has been an awesome guy and seemed to be the only one that participated! Even though he didn't manage to guess it, at least he kept trying and trying which made me very impressed. Not only was he engaging, he decided to make me an icon! It was in my last post and he made it himself! Because I thought it was special I put it on my header as a sign of appreciation. Thanks so much Sms8 and here's the shoutout for you! Please add him on CP because he is really awesome!

Also Sms8 will be invited as the co-host of the mini party that will be held very soon. I will post details in another post but for now it will be a party know to celebrate this event!

There is a website for this alliance (BBA) and more details will come on it soon. It is still in construction, like this Blog, but it will hold information in the coming weeks.

One last thing! Pompom49450 has been a very close friend and she will be helping to run Blue Buns. If you are reading Sms8, would you like to help run Blue Buns? You don't have to if you don't want to since it will give you more responsibilities. I will definitely post more stuff on this soon but for now stay tuned for the party details!

See you then!


Wednesday, 28 May 2014

New Icon!

Hi guys!

Sms8, if you don't know him already, has been an awesome pal to communicate with on CP and on this Blog. Because he is such a good friend, he had decided to make this for me!

Sms8 you are awesome! Be sure to add him as a friend on CP cause he is one cool guy! You Rock Sms8!


Future Log: 2

It's me again... Tomorrow is the big day and may be the last. It's been awfully exhausting training in Space and I think this is no good for us since we will be tired for the big one. We have to follow orders, however.

What's it like to be a normal Civilian? Is it scary or is it relaxing. Knowing your life is in danger is sad but it is helpful. It's better to be aware than a bystander. I still see Penguins wandering around like there is no tomorrow (in a good way)! Sometimes I wish I was like that but I can't forget this tragedy. Its glued in my mind and it cannot be removed until the tragedy is removed. I suffer. All day and all night, knowing that sometime soon may be the end.

It's tomorrow. The final draw. The final show. The final chance to restore peace once and for all. The head said not to worry but to believe. Wise words they are. If we go down, we will go down together!

I need to go now; looks like it's time for another round of training. I will report to you tomorrow!



Hello Sms8,

Here is my picture!

Thanks a lot again for making me an icon! I really appreciate it buddy!


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Sneak Peek Round-Up

Hello guys,

I have decided to do a round-up off all the sneak peeks given on this Blog and over Social Media. Just click on the links below for them. I hope this helps a bit more! Remember: The prize is a shout out and a mention on my Blog. I have also decided that there will be a mini-party celebrating the announcement with the winner as the co-host. This will be recorded and posted on my YouTube Channel so I hope you don't mind publicity. The party will be open to everyone and details will be posted here and on Twitter later! For now, here is your round-up!

Sneak Peek: 1

Sneak Peek: 2

Sneak Peek: 3

Sneak Peek: 4

Twitter Feed

Remember it will end Thursday, where I have scheduled the announcement on the Blog. Comment your thoughts on Twitter or in the comments section. I hope the Sneak Peeks helped!


Future Log: 1


I have decided to do a Future Log for Blog. These will help give you tips when fighting Ultimate Protobot and a walkthrough of it. I will also try and make a YouTube video of the Ultimate Battle. For now I'd like to introduce you to this!

Future Log: 1          27th May 4014
This is bad. Very bad. The Extra-Planetary Federation has gone to defend Upzar II and now the Island is in our hands. We aren't as powerful as them; we are just recruits! I am going to be hated. Do you know what it's like to have heaps of pressure hauled onto you everyday? I am honored to save the island but it is becoming too hard physically and mentally. Ultimate Protobot (UP10K) is coming. He is coming back (not friendlier) stronger! 

We got this message earlier. It was sent to the EPF as a threat. It flooded our minds so powerfully that I am speechless. Therefore I have written a log to let it out... Just take a look!

Aren't you scared? The meteors are hard enough to wade through but through him, we will warped to our death. Imagine that. Club Penguin will be gone forever and the poor civilians will be left there with no idea what's going on! 

Ultimate Protobot is coming in two days. We will try as hard as we can and we can- definitely- not prevail. As long as Club Penguin lies in our heart, we will never lose it. Because whatever you love will never escape you, as long as you believe in it and have faith. Fear is our enemy.

-Blue (new recruit)

Future Log: 2 coming tomorrow!

Make sure you comment your thoughts below and I will blog to you soon!




Hello guys!

Thank you for reading this.

For the next few weeks I might not be able to blog as much. This is because things are getting a bit hectic in my life and I need some time to sort things out. I have exams coming and I don't want to fail them and also it depends on my options next year. I'm sure most of you have exams'test coming up soon.

There may be the odd one post that is important but otherwise I will keep in contact on Twitter. The announcement will be posted on Thursday, like I promised and I hope it will keep you engaged. There will be more info on the Protobot Attack as well so stay tuned.

I hope you understand and I will see you as soon as possible.



Monday, 26 May 2014

YouTube Channel


I have secretly set up a YouTube account for this Blog (I like being sneaky)! It will give you a Vlog on Club Penguin: news, walkthroughs and updates. Sometime soon I will be posting CPMVs but there will be more news on that later! Please subscribe to my channel and look forward to my updates on YouTube.

My Channel (Blue21102):

"Welcome to my Channel":

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, 25 May 2014

Sneak Peek: 4

Hi guys!

This is your last sneak peek for the announcement! I am going to give you a round-up for all the clues I have given...

These links give you the past clues that I have posted here on Blue's Blog. For people who are really interested into guessing, you might want to check some of my tweets since a few of them may have hints...
Here is a link to my Twitter Account:

Now the FINAL clue is a passage that I have written. It is quite short, but hopefully you will make something out of it...

"On Club Penguin, you decide your adventures. It could be walking your Puffle to the Park and have some playtime, or it could be hosting snowball fights at the Snow Forts. Whether it is appropriate (or not) it is up to you! Some might find that discoveries is the main heart of collaboration between each Penguin but others can think that there is a line. A line that divides a particular amount of Penguins up.

Club Penguin is a world where you express your personality or your looks virtually. Don't care what others think, think about you. If Club Penguin were an open community for everybody, it would be hard to guess where the fun could lead to..."

That was your last clue and I hope most of you can figure out the hints (hint, hint)!

On the 29th, I will be officially announcing the event, leaving you 4 days to guess. You can guess in the comments section or tweet me. The first accurate guess will get the prize:

Good Luck!


Friday, 23 May 2014


Hi guys!

It's time to see what the Future has for us!

When you log into Club Penguin, the loading will look like this!

After that, you will get some messages from Gary 3000 (future version of Gary the Gadget Guy himself). Here are a couple of images which show what he said:
"Welcome to the future. I'd like to show you around, but we have an emergency. Ultimate Protobot is launching meteors at us!"

"Open this holo-comm to gear up for space. You're all that stands between us and those meteors!"

The holo-comm is a gadget which brings you to a page where you can buy gear with meteor ash and also counts down the says until UP10K comes to Club Penguin! This is also a crucial page for members who want to upgrade into Robo suits and help defend the island! DETAIL: There is a jetpack for all players which mean everyone can go to space and defend CP!
Here is the Future Forts. You can access: Club Penguin 2014 from here, Space Igloos and the Future Town. So far the Future looks pretty scary...
Next we have the Future Town! Now it's beginning to look futuristic. The Hologram version of Fluffy looks sweet as well as the design of those buildings! There is the: Dance Dome, Blast-Off Bistro and The Robo Shop. Lets have a look and check them out!

Here is the Blast-Off Bistro! Wow... It looks so modern and the waiters are robots (I wouldn't have guessed). The design looks very funky and I'm sure it will be popular by many penguins!

Right here is the Rob Shop where you can customise your Robos. Very similar to the Clothes Shop except you are painting machines, not buying clothes. Actually, when I come to think about it, it isn't very similar at all!

Behold the Space Dome! Visit here every 5 minutes for a Space Squid to come boogie with you! CAUTION: The floor's slippery!

After visiting the Future Town, lets move across to the Future Dock! Now this is a funny room. It's a zoo full of futuristic creatures and distorting exhibits! Welcome to Interstellar Zoo! DETAIL: Look at me!

Next we pay a visit to the Future Beach. Pssst! (Whatever you see from now on is classified and is open to EPF eyes only)! I now introduce the Extra Planetary Federation! These are the protectors of the Universe! and take place as the EPF in many years to come.

Inside this room is awesome! I love the arcade game and the lockers since they are active to use as well as the Captain Seat that I am sitting on! From here you can access Space, where you battle out meteors and some Drones until we face UP10K himself! Things are about to get intense...

Welcome to Space! One small step for Penguins, one giant leap for Penguin kind! This is where you earn Meteor ash. Meteor ash is a for of currency in the future and can purchase particular items in the holo-comm. Here you can create allies and voyage your way through Space whilst avoiding attacks from UP10K! Can it get any better?

It does! Now you can chill out and have a break in a sector full of delights such as: fish dogs, pizzas and Burgers. You deserve it after all! 
That's the walkthrough of the Future Party and I hope it was thorough enough for you. Please comment your thoughts in the comments section and enjoy the party while you can!


Sneak Peak: 1

Hi guys!

I will be giving you a little sneak peak on what I am currently planning for the next few weeks. Can you guess from the picture?

You would have to be very smart to figure out from just this picture. Keep this in mind fore tomorrow will have a second hint. Send your suggestions in the comments or on Twitter. There will be further hints and announcements soon...


Thursday, 22 May 2014

Other Titles

Hi guys,

Today I want to briefly talk about me. There's a me that is interested in other stuff other than Club Penguin. The whole point of this is to be more interactive and to get to know more of you. Behold!!!


Well this one is a bit obvious as I blog about it and also my name comes from it. Club Penguin is an awesome community and I am proud to be part of it. I'm sure many of you play it and it is awesome, right?


This is produced by Hyper Hippos and MMA has been the latest addition to it. It is a combat game with arenas and I'm sure some will know about it since the Co-Founder of Club Penguin (Lance) has contributed to it. This is, as well, fantastic and very addictive! I still think Club Penguin is better as it can include these kind of games.


This is a game that I was always looking forward to. I got it pre-ordered last year and, boy, is it great! It launched on August 23rd (EU) and it is quite a large franchise. It uses the same technology as Skylanders but I personally think this is better due to the fact it is more than a story. You can create loads of your own games and enjoy playing as one of your favourite Disney characters. Although logic in the game can be affected by the memory usage it is a must buy! The next chapter of it is coming this fall and it looks much better. They are adding MARVEL Avengers and more classic characters. My username in Sheriff Mickey (if you want to add me) and I have managed to win 3rd place in Toy Box TV challenges. Overall, very innovative and creative!


Last of all, I wanted  to introduce you to a game called Project Spark (if you didn't know already). I haven't got it yet since the beta is only available on Windows 8.1 and XBOX One. I am waiting for it to be released on XBOX 360 so I can have a blast with it. It is very similar to Disney Infinity however there is more logic in it. It look simple to use but when I mean "more logic", I mean DIY RPgs and puzzle games. The limits are literally endless. It looks so good and I can't wait for further announcements for it!

That's it for today's post. If you play any of these games: tweet me, comment in the section below or email your thoughts at

I'd love to hear your thoughts and maybe we can become stronger friends!


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Site Construction


This is Blue and I wanted to post something real quick! First, don't get used to this header and page design since I had to set it back to default, after the technical difficulties earlier. There will be clearer links and stronger navigation as the time will go on. It may take up to (around) 3 months for my Blog to 100% complete. Sorry about this, but I've only just started to learn .html and CSS. I need these skills for editing the layout and for a better (and an effective style) for the whole Blog!

In the meantime, look out for any future news on this. Follow me on Twitter (@Blue21102) for Notifications or even email me if there are any concerns.

Thanks for your patience and I hope you will enjoy my Blog the way it is. :)


Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Welcome to Blue's Blog! This is still a work in progress but it won't stop me from blogging to you!

I am Blue21102 but you can call me Blue. I am a part-time blogger on so look out for me! I became part of the Club Penguin Community in 2007 and have now decided to take it to another step! I joined Twitter on the 17th of May 2014 which is very recent. Since then I have been able to communicate with other Penguins from around the Globe and interact in many different ways.

At the moment, I'm not hiring any workers due to the site construction but I may be considering it soon. My Blog will give you the latest news and tips but it is also created for miscellaneous stuff to do with CP like: stories, walk-throughs and art.

You can contact me, for any queries, on my GMail. I will try to post frequently, meaning at least 1 a day but considering that I have end-of-year exams approaching and other difficulties in my life, I may not have all the time in the world to blog here. I love blogging, though!

Anyway, this post is to summarise my future plans on this Blog so I hope you are looking forward to an actual kick-off. Thank you for reading and my next post will be tomorrow!

